Kunio de Kaizo owo Control the chaos owo

Welcome to my little corner of the net!!!

No no no no no no

I'm a man of many names but you can just call me Kiyo for now!

To keep things kinda simple, I'm a Transmasc, Aroace-spec, Demiboy. I am also Demiplatonic, Demiqueerplatonic, and Demisensual. That's just keeping it simple! Trust me. I'm an adult but you don't gotta know my exsact age, that's kinda weird. I am sick all the time both mentaly and physicaly as well as being on the spectrum. I use my experiences to inhance my work as I've been through ALOT in my life.

I'm an artist, writer, music maker, and character designer! I'm working on a psychological horror game called Danger Trope. I'm into may things like Undertale, Deltarune, Honkai Star Rail, Genshin Impact, Dnaganrompa, My Little Pony, and losts of anime! Like, soooo much anime, eheh!

I absolutely HATE modern architecture now and it's for one simple (not really) reason. Because of what it did to my local (and beloved) library.

For context, they turned the old library (that's OLDER THAN ME) into an art museum. Nothing against art museums, fucking love them but the new library they built to replace it is modern architectural FAILURE at it's worst.

For starters, not only is the floor polished concrete but the whole building is OPEN PLANNED. You know what that means? Every little sound is now 5 times louder. Want to study? Too fucking bad! The study rooms are 75% glass walls! Have fun trying to cram for exams while little Timmy screams in the kids area because he's 5 and board as shit.

Not that books can't be fun, but the kids area could easily be mistaken for 2 collage hallways with bookshelves in your way. Now, I know libraries aren't supposed to be playgrounds but COME ON. The old one not only actually had fucking carpet floors but it was fairly large, had computers for kids to use, and even some Lego as well as a small area for those who brought infants. It was colorful and welcoming but now we got book hallway and the echo of the child crying!

And that wasn't the ONLY thing they took form us. Libraries aren't just for book, it has many more uses from computers and wifi to even renting movies all for free! That they still had but the old library had a teens area, which I spent most of my after schools during my teen years. The teen room had a 3D printer, sound booth, and VR along with the computers and manga section. Fun for teens both alone and with friends not to mention FREE. But all that remains is the 3D printer. Guess they couldn't fit the rest in a building that's on fucking stilts, huh?

Oh, the stilts? Yeah- the library itself is several stories up on two big ass concrete cylinders for what reason? WHO FUCKING KNOWS! You can't even drive under it??? There's literally nothing under it. No benches or anything. Only a bookstore that's in one of the pillars. Which is cool and all but what's the point if you weren't going to use the space under it??? Not to mention the elevator to even get to the library is OUTSIDE and they have some poor worker standing out there in the Cali heat keeping an eye on it because apparently they don't want the homeless people to get in??? It's fucking ridiculous. Did they go through all that effort to build their stupid BOOK HOSPITAL on its stupid fucking stilts just so they can keep out homeless people and piss me off? Who approved these plans? I'm going to fucking fight them.

It may be the nostalgia talking but the old library really was a great place. 2 stories and a basement of books. Arts n' craft events, board game days, video game days, movie days!!! All for free and in a small auditorium that even had a GRAND PIANO. I remember going to that library during the summer because they gave out FREE LUNCH to children.

I made so many memories there. Me and my friends.. my mom even went to that library as a teen. I took for granted it's existence as a kid, never truly knowing it's wonders. In middle/high school, I finally understood it's and many other library's value. How many doors it opened up, letting kids like me experience things we usually couldn't. It's game night was one of the few times I touched a Wii in my LIFE. There were hard times as a child where I didn't realize the financial troubles we were having because the library could in some way, provide.

I may have sucked at reading and still very much do... but I'll always love libraries. Even now I can't stop myself from crying thinking about their wonders. And I will NEVER forgive what moder architecture did to my beloved second home.

I miss you library...and I love you...

Dantendo 20/03 11:11


This reminds me of how it feels to be chased by something in dreams. No matter how fast you go, they're catching up to you. No matter where you are, they're right behind you. You can clip through the floor and it'll still be after you. To the center of the earth it follows. Even up into space, beyond the stars... further and further it finds me. I can't lose it. No matter how hard I try, how strong I am, or how hard I fight- he caches up to me. Even if I escape by waking up there's that chance... that small chance that when I close my eyes and return to my slumber, I'll be right back where I was and he'll be closer. And he knows my limits... He's after me...


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Here, You can go back now. I promise this link leads to the real site.