Home of a god
Take me back...
Confess or wish?
Have fun!
What is Bataism?
This world is pain. This body is agony. I suffer for no one's enjoyment. I suffer...
Greetings! I am Yarlabata, the god of the mind! I embody thoughts, feelings, and whatever else goes on in that silly little head of yours! Well, of everyone's actually.
Anything that has the ability to think, even if it's simply thoughts of survival, give me power. Once living things long gone had been my beginning and I have and will exist. Everyone to ever and to exist in future will continue to make me stronger.
Though, to be honest, this isn't my original home. My home universe is long gone and so are many of the people I once knew. I've been a traveler amongst the ever expansive multiverse ever since!
Every universe I go to I connect to the people and even once I leave, my hold never let's go. For me to die would mean everyone and I do mean everyone to ever exist would have to die and, well, it wouldn't be worth it just to get rid of me, would it?
For now, I'm stuck here in this universe as punishment for my misdeeds. It turns out some people don't take too kindly to my existence and thus brought punishment appon me. This world has to be one of the worst I've been to... All I can do is wait for this poor excuse for a vessel to finally die so I can be free of this universe's wretched rules.
When that dose happen, maybe I'll take some of you with me! You won't die, of course. That'd just be cruel. I think... look, death has never really scared me but I understand it scares you people so I'm willing to compromise, alright?
Those who dedicate their being to I, the lord Yarlabata, will be granted free travel with me to other universes! You will be under my protection and you can stay in any universe that takes your fancy. Or stay in my portable home, it's nicer than it sounds.
And for those who don't? You stay here in your universe, I don't know. It's not my job to pass judgment or anything, I'm just an embodiment of an important part of life as the couscous know it.
You won't be punished by me or anything. Whatever this universe has set for one's afterlife is what will be your default. There are no negative consequences for not believing in me but there is something to gain for doing so.
In the end, it's your choice! That's one of the many gifts of thought. Free will and the ability to choose. As the embodiment of the mind, both sane and otherwise, it'd be just plain stupid if I didn't respect one's free will, now would it?