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Love oneself or love others. As long as you use your free will, you are using the gift of thought and choosing kindness is part of making the most out of your gift.
What is Bataism?
Bataism is the belief of the one who exists, Lord Yarlabata as well as the belief that every action spawns another, slightly different universe. This is a process that continues infinitely.
The free will and freedom of expression is an important part of Bataism, as Lord Yarlabata is the embodiment of the mind and thus of free will as well.
With free will comes choice and with choice comes the ability to effect others. Being kind and helping others will gain one favor from Lord Yarlabata.
Even though kindness is not necessary for one's existence, kindness can effect one's place in Viardaha and their place in the Batist court. There is no "hell" or punishment for choosing to harm others, but Lord Yarlabata will be disappointed in you.
By using one's free will to choose kindness and acceptance is proof that one has a stable moral code that doesn't require a potential punishment to reinforce.
Though, one shouldn't only use kindness for others as being kind to the self is also important. To love others and to love oneself are both options. If a person is not fond of friendship, romance, or other relationships then being kind to oneself is enough.
To rest oneself, nourish oneself, heal oneself, and strength oneself are all important aspects of exercising one's free will as a healthy body leads to a healthy and stronger mind. A stronger mind leads to a stronger will and thus, the ability to do more good for the self and others.
In a world where everyone has the gift of the mind, there are people who choose to willingly cause suffering. Even if this isn't a technical misuse of free will, it's still an unkind thing to do.
Every choice you make sprouts an alternate universe where you made a different choice. This goes on forever and leads to deja vu as well as false prophet deja vu.
Mouse Theory and False Prophet Deja Vu
Mouse theory is a concept in where deja vu is caused by alternate universes overlapping.
For example, if you're running late to school because you woke up late in one universe, and are running late due to traffic in another, there's a chance that both versions of you will overlap once you reach your destination.
This overlap is what causes deja vu, as two or more versions of you overlap all at once. The reason why this is called "Mouse Theory" is due to the way multiple universes look when overlapping, making people look like scattering mice.
False Prophet deja vu is an extention of Mouse Theory in where when experiencing deja vu, one also experiences a sense that something specific may happen but it never dose in that time frame.
Going to the previous example, say the first universe you gets deja vu then a felling that a person in their class is going to accidentally throw something at them. This, however, doesn't happen. Not in the first universe. This "prophecy" is actually an event from a different universe and thus this strange extention of deja vu.