Bio Hazard Sign

Trading and selling Chados Beasts

Honestly, I'd advise against selling Chados Beasts for real world money, as making one is completely free but I can't stop you. Trading them is fine, even for other original species (if they allow it), ocs, ect. I do allow you to trade them for pet site stuff like Goatlings or Chicken Smoothie but again, ONLY IF THEY ALLOW IT. I can't stop you but I don't want people to get in trouble. Make sure to check the rules of any species, pet site, or adopt artist before trying to trade/sell your Chados Beasts.

Chados Beasts nor Yarlabaata are responsible for you getting scammed or your Chados Beasts stolen. If that happens, then I'm sorry you were warned, and the original species community is an absolute MONSTER to deal with. Please make sure that whoever you're trading with has a good track record or is trustworthy. Selling or trading Chados Beasts is a beast bestie's responsibility to handle. Beast bestie discretion is advised!