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Welcome to Chados Beasts!

Chados Beasts are creatures once made by the one who exists, Lord Yarlabata. It created Chados Beasts as forms for it's followers after death but then decided to let anyone become a Chados Beast, as sharing of experiences is one of Yarlabata's core values. This page explains the antomy and other such things about Chados Beasts!

Chados Beasts are mostly biological beings but have technological parts. There is a container full of soul juice for their face. Soul juice can be any color and even have small objects in it. It can also be glittery or glow. Soul juice is the essence of one's being. It is the mind and the blood of a Chados Beast. Taking a little can house the thoughts of a Chados Beast. Chados Beasts tend to range in 4ft to 8ft in hight, with sub species like Centdos Beasts being up to 12ft and Aquatdos Beasts being as little as 10 inches.

Soul juice flows through a Chados Beast through tubes to keep the mind going. Their arms are made of glass or plastic and have this juice flowing through them to control their hands. They also have a tummy jar that houses chemicals to refresh soul juice, like lungs do for blood. They also have antennas with little amounts of soul juice. There can be up to 6 and any shape. They regrow when cut off.

When soul juice is outside the body, it becomes jello like and can keep form. Tongues are made of solid soul juice, which allows Chados Beasts to taste. Soul juice can also taste like a wide variety of things but usually taste like fruit or sweets but it's not too uncommon for it to taste like blood or even oil.

Chados Beasts have eye plates on their head. This is their main set of eyes, though, Chados Beasts can have eyes on their chest, legs, and wings as well as extra mouths. These eyes tend to have a glass or plastic casing over them to prevent damage. Eyes can be any color and any shape. The sclera can be any color and eyes can even have multiple pupils.

A Chados Beast's main mouth is on its tail. A tail can have multiple mouths but the biggest is the main one. When a Chados Beast has long hair, ponytails, or even pigtails, they will develop a mouth or even multiple. These mouths are connected telepathically to a Chados Beast to let them use it like a regular mouth but cutting the hair dose not hurt nor dose it cause a Chados Beast to bleed. Hair mouths are often grown to be used as transplant mouths or to have an extra appendage, if 4 arms and a mouth tail wasn't enough.

Chados Beasts have a glowing mark on the side of their head called a passion mark. Passion marks glow or change brightness based on a beasts emotions.

On the face container of a Chados Beast, there'll either be a heart rate monitor or a audio visualizer. These can be swapped and audio visualizers have a wide range of appearances. They move when one is speaking.

Chados Beasts are usually part metal but some can be made of plastic, rubber, or even wood. These parts are simply named materials 1 and 2. Material 1 being for the head case, passion mark case, and hands whilst material 2 is for eye plates, teeth, claws, horns, and even spikes. Though, for things like horns, spikes, wings, ect- they can be material 1 as well.

Chados Beasts have 2 main colors. Simply named fur 1 and 2. Fur 1 being for the torso and tail base and fur 2 being for the legs, tail tip, and usually head hair. Though, head hair can be any color. Fur patterns can be as colorful and complex as one would like.

Chados Beasts can have up to 6 arms and as little as 2 naturally. Modifications for more or less are uncommon and usually uncomfortable and confusing. Despite this, there is no known limit for how many wings a Chados Beast can have, with the highest recorded being 12 wings on one beast. Wings can take any form from angel to dragon to earthly birds or bugs.


Lmao, you thought! I'd never do that. Some traits are uncommon, yes, but I'm not going to make you pay for traits. I don't need to fuel my gambling addiction THAT bad. If I'm EVER going to sell something, it'll be an original design adopt that's just like any other. No special club or super duper special $25.99 traits. If you want to pay for a design by me? Then good for you! But you can make your own for FREE. No need to ask or make a form.

If you DO want to support me money wise, here's my cash app. Again, this is OPTIONAL. If anyone tells you that you need to spend money to make your own Chados Beast, they're LYING to you. Go free, go ham, go chaos. Also, Godos is a joke. They aren't real


Magic is something every Chados Beast can have, unless they suffer from magic deficiency. Magic tends to be based around the Chados Beast's theme or passion mark. Really powerful abilities like stopping time, destroying universes, ect- MUST be earned and cannot naturally occur. A Chados Beast earns such powers by the agreement of the community. The more that believe the Chados Beasts should have that power, the more it's true. Chados Beasts can only have one power but can inherent a mixed version from parents.

Where do Chados babies come from?

A baby Chados Beast, also known as tinny terrors, will form into a jelly like egg for 4 to 6 months depending on the size (usually Centdos Beasts take longer) and complexity of the beast. A tiny terror will take on at least one trait from every parent who included soul juice.

The egg will become the head and limbs will begin to form. It's best to keep them in a warm and humid environment to make this as comfortable as possible. Tiny terrors will walk on all limbs until they are taught to walk or learn it themselves.

Tiny terrors are telepathically linked to it's parents until it learns to speak. This helps keep them safe and understand when it's hungry, tired, ect. Tiny terrors learn to speak in about 12 to 20 months as it's dependent on how many parents it has and how much they talk.

Tiny terrors can also be taught basic school age learning material while telepathically linked. If one is optimal with their teaching, a tiny terror can be as smart as a 5th grade child before they're even 2 years old.

Chados Beasts CAN breed with other creatures, however, blood would need to be used in place of soul juice. 5 to 10 drops of blood is enough to start the process.

Injury, illness, and death

Even though becoming a Chados Beast is a form of afterlife, Chados Beasts can still die. If all the soul juice is drained from their vessel, the vessel dies. The soul juice can still live if enough is in a container, but if it spills all over the ground, then you're dead dead. This, however, only applies OUTSIDE of Viardaha. "Dying" in Viardaha isn't permanent as the soul is technically already in an afterlife. Getting a soul juice transplant should help, but one will suffer from serious magic deficiency.

Major loss of soul juice can cause severe memory loss and magic deficiency. Magic deficiency can also be caused by mental illnesses like depression, weakening, or even completely eliminating one's magic. Even if a Chados Beast is to heal physically or mentally, magic deficiency is a lifelong illness. There is treatment for magic deficiency, but a Chados Beast can't use magic at the same level as those who are healthy.

Chados Beasts can lose the mechanical limbs and be able to replace them much more easily than organic ones. Even being able to modify their hands or head container. However, if soul juice is not flowing through the arms to the hands, they won't work. Loss of legs and other limbs is still possible, and sometimes surgery can be done.

Replacing a mouth is the most common and easiest surgery to perform, as it's as easy as getting a doner mouth and placing it in the spot the mouth should be. Then, wait 2 to 4 weeks for it meld with the new host. The tongue will change to the host's soul juice color and flavor.

Chados Beasts can't die of old age in Viardaha, but the outside life expectancy is 75 to 150 years.