Bio Hazard Sign

Culture and history

The oldest of the Chados Beasts tend to worship the one who exists, Lord Yarlabata but Bataism isn't necessary to become a Chados Beast. One need only design themselves a Chados Beast to become one once they die.

Chados Beasts live in a separate universe from yours, the verse of the mind. An old creation of Yarlabata to keep it's many projects. Verse of the mind, also known as Viardaha, is held together by the dreams of everything to have ever thought. Making it so Yarlabata can create anything as long as something or someone has thought of it, no matter what universe it originates from.

Despite Yarlabata's control over Viardaha, Bataism is completely optional and there's no penalty for not partaking in it's practices or holidays. Many still worship the gods they knew when alive and at points, even get to meet them if lucky.

Even though Viardaha acts as an alternate afterlife, Chados Beasts have recently been given the ability to travel to other universes due to the help of Multiverse Cooperation Inc. This has allowed Chados Beasts to visit family and friends, even after their deaths. Though, most agree that doing so is a bad idea.

Chados Beasts tend to partake in a more carefree version of human society when living in Viardaha, as the need for labor in order to live isn't necessary. Festivals celebrating different holidays and cultures from all sorts of places and universes are common and due to the diversity, one could partake in a celebration every single day if they decided to do so.

Even if Bataism isn't the one soul religion in Viardaha, some of its core beliefs are intertwined with life there. With the gift of the mind, comes the freedom of thought. With the freedom of thought, comes the freedom of choice. The freedom to modify oneself and the freedom to help others. Taking advantage of one's ability to think and not taking it for granted is something most who live in Viardaha can agree on, as getting a second chance at life gives them new opportunities.

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