Honeycomb Ralsei!

They're 5.4, made of magic honey, and use any pronouns!

Honeycomb Ralsei is more of an archiver and guide than a protector. Sort of like an AU historian. Yeah, they'd prefer if AUs weren't destroyed, just as one would prefer old relics remain pristine but Honeycomb is weak combat wise and can't take on that kind of responsibility.

That's why they formed The Hive. Honeycomb requires the help and abilities of others to achieve his goals, wich is why he happily helps and houses those who are lost. As well as guides them and those who may be new to Deltarune and its AU's

Though, just because Honeycomb isn't a good fighter, it doesn't mean they aren't strong. The honey they're made out of has many properties that are more useful for defense and healing.

Now I feel it's important to mention that Honeycomb takes their archive work seriously and prefers not to heavily meddle with a universes' story no matter how bad it is. Yeah they sometimes visit other AUs for fun but will strictly avoid core timelines, this prevents their actions from genuinely effecting the universe as a whole.

They usually only step in if the universe itself as a whole is in danger of collapsing or succumbing to rot. So an AU can have all the murder, resets, and immoral toying with the characters lives you want but they can't step in to help.

This is a strict rule they set for themself, and the hive members. Most don't mind it as they don't plan on doing so but... there are a few who were quite unfortunate.

The cycle of life and death is important to Honeycomb. They've obviously excepted that and seem to be using it to their advantage. A story will begin and it will end but the preservation of the book itself is more important to Honeycomb than the fate of those within it.

This is possibly a personality trait that remained from long before Honeycomb's existence. After all, they're just a lucky reincarnation of someone else...

Honeycomb is gender apathetic, gender nonconforming, queerplatonic, opossum omni, Ambiamorous, demiaroace

Honeycomb's abilities (as of chapter 2 lore as they evolve with each chapter introduced) include:

The ability to communicate with bees and wasps.

Honeycomb can use their honey as an extension of themself.

Honeycomb can lift things that weigh much more than them. (Attack wise they're still not that good.)

They have a spell called "Bees" that summons a swarm of bees under Honeycomb's control.

They have the spell "Hive Mind" that allows them to control those who don't see Honeycomb as a threat. (They dislike using this and will sometimes use it on accident if startled)

Honeycomb can summon crystallized honey hexagons, primarily used for defense.

Honeycomb can turn into honey as well as add ordinary honey to themself if need be.

Turning into honey can be used as a portal though, usually only for Honeycomb themself, wich is why they rely on Portal Jevil to move other things and people.

Honeycomb's honey can heal (In game specs would vary but +50 to people who trust them but +20 to anyone else)

The honey is also a cure for The Mold, since honey doesn't rot. It's only useful if caught early on. (Honeycomb may or may not use this as negotiation leverage.) Honeycomb is also immune to The Mold because of this.

Honey dose not go bad and thus Honeycomb cannot die of old age. Attempting to get rid of them completely would be difficult, as even a drop of them remaining is enough to bring them back.

Honeycomb doesn't naturally have a skeleton but can crystallize their honey into one. They do this to "fit in". (Mostly just a miscellaneous fun fact)

Other Art

This is truely the end...

"It's a shame such potential was wasted."

"To watch him... burned at the stake like a witch..."

"All because he knew something that shattered their world."

"And his death..."

"Was the catalyst that began it's rot."

"Like a plauge it spread and without him, as there was no one to fight it off."

"They took his existence for granted without ever even knowing his purpose..."

"Now, here he lays. A half chard corpse, shambling in pain and agony due to his world trying to rewrite him"

"To.. bring him back. To activate it's one and only failsafe."

"But... his former friends burnt away that code."

"The pieces connecting him to that knowledge we're gone and the world couldn't access it anymore."

"So it rotted, corrupted, and crumbled."

"Each and every character in a hell that they unknowingly created."

"This was no ordinary AU rot, no... this was self cannibalism."

"They begged not to die. Their world tried and tried and tried..."

"But the failsafe was gone."

"Not even the commissioner could help and once they saw the mess, they abandoned their puppet and cut ties with that... dying world."

"And now... here it lies. A burnt and rotating corpse under a tree."

"A vessel made to house the power to preserve worlds."

"Now sitting here unaccessible and useless."

"It's a waste..."

"But I will not waste it."

"I will create an immortal and loyal being."

"A creature, no... a person who is both the messenger of peace, and the angel of death."

"With it reborn, it'll begin to relearn it's purpose. Code once thought lost, now accessible."

"The ability to modify... to control... to act within its set personality to continue its mission."

"Preserve our wolds history."

"Preserve the cycle."




Perpetuator of the cycle